Concrete Future
The stage has three gray walls. Stage right is a big red door that has exit painted above the doorway. There are warning signs cover the door. There are four bunk beds stage left, a table and chairs center stage, and a kitchen area down stage. Downstage stage right there is a brown door that has bathroom written above the door. A young man and woman are pacing in front of the door. An older couple are seated at the table playing cards. A young small and cubby man is seating on a bunk bed.
Scene 1
Come on Harry. You’ve been in there for almost an hour. Isn’t there a water limit for this place?
(From inside the bathroom) Actually, no there isn’t. I designed it so we would be obtaining well water. As long as the pump stays operational we should have 52.5 gallons a day. So hold your horses. Show a little respect to your savior.
I told you not to call yourself that. It makes you sound like some dictator or something. And I’m not going to put up with any crap like that.
And what would you do? Leave? (laughs)
I could deal with whatever’s out there. Common Harry hurry up! (Shakes her head at Steve)
(Opens the door.) Well there you are. I’m all refreshed for a full day of um…productivity.
Thanks Harry. I’d have never thought of you as woman before now. (Steve and Marley enter the bathroom and close the door)
See! Being married enables you to both use the restroom at the same time. So I’m entitled to a longer period of time in the rest room.
(The small man rises and goes to Harry)
What are we going to do today boss? Anything need fixin’?
Well, I don’t know. We’ve been in here for almost three months now and I think we’ve successfully maintained all of our survival mechanisms nicely.
Oh (beat) Then whatcha wanna do?
Well Carl, I thought we’d do something we haven’t done before and build the biggest house of cards, ever.
But we have done that before boss. We did that about a month ago.
Fiddle sticks! You’re right we did. Well, we could build the biggest dominos set, ever.
We done that two Fridays ago boss.
Then we can a new magic trick from our magic trick book.
But we already learn all them.(Beat) Twice.
That’s enough Carl! We’ll just have to sit here and use our mind to come up with something new and brilliant to do.
(They take a seat at the table)
(To the old couple) What are you two going to do today?
Oh deary, we’re fine just playing cards.
Though it would’ve been nice to sit outside and see some trees. You couldn’t of put some windows in this place could you Son?
No, I told you father. Radiation can go through windows. It would have defeated the whole purpose of building this place. Besides, there Probably aren’t any trees left anyway.
How do you know that? You didn’t bother to bring anything so we could be updated on what’s going on above ground did you?
No Father. Because there isn’t anything going on up there, everything is gone.
How are you so sure? Huh?
I just am. It’s a known fact. Radiation kills everything.
Yeah, but we don’t even know if any bombs were dropped anyways. You just go by some prophecy told by a bunch of people who lived in huts zillions of years ago.
Oh stop Goerge. He’s our son we should trust him.
Thank you mother.
I’m just saying. I have to stay down here with a bunch of crazies for no reason. (Mumbles to himself) No trees, no quiet, Bahh.
(Steve and Marley come out of the bathroom looking like they just got out of the shower)
That’s much better.
It would have been better if someone hadn’t used all the hot water.
Well I can’t handle cool showers. It makes my skin dry.
Oh you’re so touchy. You’re a spoiled child.
My body has to maintain a specific temperature in order for my brain to function correctly.
Your brain ill never function correctly, Harry. You’re a lunatic.
Well you followed a lunatic in to this hole. Pardon me.
I’m beginning to rethink that decision.
Would you two stop it. No more fighting for the remainder of lights on.
(Harry and Marley turn away from each other and briskly walk to opposite sides of the room)
Now Carl what decision did we make? I seem to have forgotten because a certain someone was filling my ear with nonsense.
Ahhh. I can still hear his annoying voice!
Scene 2
Lights fade. Then they fade back on. Marley and Steve are sitting on the upstage bunk reading magazines. Suzan and George are still at the table this time playing chess. And Harry and Carl are in the kitchen area with their back to the audience working on something.
(Whishpering to each other)
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